I am Azmine Toushik Wasi, a 4th year undergrad in Industrial and Production Engineering at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh. My primary research interests lie in Graph Neural Net-based Medical AI applications.

Azmine Toushik Wasi

My primary research focus is exploring Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) in Bio-Medical AI, mainly focusing on neuro, biomedical and molecular domains. In addition to my GNN research, my other research interests include Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Human-Centered AI for interdisciplinary works. I am looking forward to pursue a PhD in Fall 2025 to continue working on my research interests.

I am currently working with Prof. Dong-Kyu Chae, Hanyang University. Additionally, I have founded CIOL, to mentor young researchers and bridge the gap between Industrial Engineering and AI. Although my expertise lies in ML Research, I have work experience in AI-integrated IT Automation, Product and Project Management roles.

My research has been published in prestigious venues such as COLING'24, ICLR'24, and workshops of AAAI'24, NeurIPS'23 and CHI'24. I regularly serve as reviewer for top ML conferences (*CL ARR, ICLR, IDC) and as program chair for workshops in top conferences. I am also a Kaggle Grandmaster (3rd Kaggle GM in Bangladesh).
I am actively seeking research opportunities in theoretical or applied GNNs in medical domains (molecular/biomedical/neuroscience). I love to learn new things, share my knowledge, improve existing skills, experiment with acquired skills and challenge my capabilities.

View my Curriculum Vitae →
Feel free to email me (azminetoushik.wasi@gmail.com) if you're interested in collaboration or discussing research. I'm open to new ideas and collaborations.

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🔍 Research Interests

📰 News and Updates

⚫ July, 2024: Will be joining Computational Neuroscience Summer School by Neuromatch Academy.
⚫ April, 2024: Joined the program committee of TextGraphs-17 and ClimateNLP workshops co-located with ACL 2024.
⚫ April - July, 2024: Will be serving reviewer at several ACL'24 and ICML'24 workshops!
⚫ April 15, 2024: One paper is submitted to ACL ARR : April 2024!
🟤 March - April, 2024: Received ICLR Travel Award, along with in-person full conference registration as an early student researcher!
⚫ March, 2024: Served as a reviewer in International Conference on Interaction Design & Children - IDC 2024!
🟢 March 25, 2024: One paper is accepted to CHI'24 HEAL (Human-centric LLM Evaluation and Auditing) workshop!
⚫ March, 2024: Served as a reviewer in ACL ARR (Feb 2024)!
🟢 March 17, 2024: Two papers on Dark sides of LLM-assisted Writing are accepted to CHI'24 In2Writing workshop!
⚫ March 8, 2024: One paper is submitted to ECCV'24.
🟢 February 20, 2024: One paper on Bangla Knowledge Graph is accepted to COLING'24.
🟢 February 16, 2024: Two papers are accepted (Invited to Present) to ICLR Tiny Papers Track.
⚫ January, 2024: One paper is submitted to IEEE T-CBB (Journal, IF 4.5).
🔵 December, 2023 - January, 2024: Served as a reviewer in ICLR Tiny Papers Track!
🔵 December, 2023: Served as a reviewer in Complex & Intelligent Systems Journal (IF 5.8)!
🟢 October, 2023: Two papers (Decision-Focused Optimization in Supply Chain and Explainable Islamophobic Hate Speech Identification) are accepted in NeurIPS'23 Workshops!
🟢 May, 2023: Selected as a finalist of IISE QCRE Data Challenge 2023.
⚫ October, 2022: Joined DILab, as a research student.
⚫ March, 2022: Founded CIOL, bridging IPE and AI through research.

📄 Selected Publications

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📜 Other Ongoing Works

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